Is the WHO Treaty A Decree of Slavery In Disguise?

 -  Dr. Gayatri  Panditrao

“We declare covid-19 as a Pandemic” eerily said Mr. Tedros, the WHO boss on 11 march 2020. It followed a cascade of events that has changed the lives of millions on the earth. We witnessed governmental responses that were not only catastrophic, they inflicted irreversible damage to our social and economic lives.

There has been a number of pandemics documented in human history- small pox, plague, Spanish flu  etc. with covid-19 being most recently added to the list. Pandemics were known to cause widespread dissemination of disease cutting across the boundaries of nations leading to devastating loss of lives.

It is now known that WHO has been tampering with various definitions and classification categories related to pandemic and health in the past decade. In the wake of fake pandemic of H1N1 declared in 2009, they dropped the words like “with enormous numbers of deaths and illness” from definition of pandemic and also included “simple seasonal flu viruses as pandemic influenza”.

Here is the crux of the story that reminds us that the time has come to pause and think.

Evolutionary biology teaches us that jumping of species (shift) for the virus takes few hundred years but the “evolving science” as was touted by Dr. Fauci and his cohorts wanted us to believe that it could happen like a modern blitzkrieg as opposed to slow, gradual and often invisible evolutionary process of nature. Needless to say that human pursuit of knowledge in the form of science also evolves gradually, not by swift and sweeping predictions and decrees.

A closer look at the directives and actions of WHO during the so called Covid 19 pandemic shows that from the very onset of Covid19, the assessment of the situation and the strategies adopted by WHO has been very much questionable. While it is quite natural for a RNA virus to evolve into rapidly changing form of strains, they took it as a ploy to scare the people and manipulate scientific facts to expand the market for vaccine. Their undue emphasis on vaccine induced immunity and downgrading the natural immunity was vile, unscientific and far from the principles of public health.

 The faulty and ever changing  guidelines of  WHO have caused enormous  number of death and suffering.  Even after gigantic failure to save peoples lives and livelihoods all over the world, the WHO boss seems to be unfazed and takes pleasure to issues statements like- “covid-19 not necessarily may be the big one” and that “the next pandemic may be more severe”. This is not only unwarranted but reprehensible acts of commission and omissions of a man who is supposed to be leader of global health.

We came to know that WHO has been working towards “International pandemic treaty”,and has prepared a zero draft which is scheduled to be tabled in 2024 and signed by 194 countries across globe. Here is why we need to analyse the whole scenario.

Manifestation and response to the disease varies from individual to individual. No two cases are alike.

 If we go by the “determinants of health” as defined  by WHO itself, we would see that

                        There are many factors taken together that affect the health of individual and

            community as a whole. The natural, social and economic environment also plays an important role in shaping health to a large extent. Other factors include general health condtions, level of nutrition, genetic predisposition, the hygeine etc.  To put it simply, the public health is largely  determined by regional factors. The fallacy of WHO treaty is based in the basic contradiction to it’s own idea of public health. Health crisis of a country or a region is better understood by the local authority or the public health authority of that country. Mandating an inter-national strategy runs counter to this    foundational truth of public health.

Every nation is entitled to make it’s own health strategy to deal with any disease outbreak. The independent assessment is a pre-requisite before declaring the outbreak as a pandemic and adopting measures in universal scale. Therefore drafting guidelines with regard to  preparedness, prevention, or response to the future pandemic behind the closed door is a matter of great concern. Such bizarre global public health treaty has nothing to do with the health of the public of member countries. Rather, such an universally applicable and mandatory health strategy is frought with devastating flaws. It is likely that we may stoke the fire instead of extinguishing it. Instead of having opportunity to take corrective actions at regional level, there will be possibility of replicating the errors at gobal level as we have witnessed during Covid 19.

 Every country has its own health advisors and traditional medical systems alongside allopathic medicine to combat such health crisis. Often, they have  their own time tested expertise in dealing with such a crisis. No power on earth can undermine this right of a sovereign nation to deal with public health crisis on it’s own  by pushing them for signing such a binding treaty.  If such a treaty sees the light of the day, It will be poised to stifle the natural growth in public health arena of a nation schackled by this treaty.

 This nefarious approach of global pandemic preparedness is actually rooted in “One world. One health” slogan that exemplifies one size fits all- strategy. In reality there exists no such thing as a one health and one form of health solution. There is another facet to such global treaty on public health that is unfortunately quite political. Collaborating with profit centric institutions , engaging in gain of function research works, supporting political agendas and most importantly increasing conflict of interests among so called scientific researchers vouching for this treaty are cases in point. All these are not comforting for us to think that our health is in safe hands anymore. We urgently need transparency.

WHO seems to be drifting away from the core foundational principle of public health care. Sadly, it is more obsessed about power and getting unfettered access to the public health administration of respective countries. It is a bad omen for independence and sovereignty of nations across the world. It is equally sad to see our own national government  not shedding light on this obscure and grey areas of the proposed treaty.

One recent example is India’s Ministry of Ayush and WHO signing together the agreement for WHO -GCTM (Global centre of Traditional medicine) at Jamnagar Gujarat. This is going to be the first and only global centre (office) for traditional medicine across the globe. Though this  looks great  as optics, but what lies hidden is the moot question.

Till now, all  practice of traditional systems of medicines have been free from any over-arching state control. But what will transpire after this collaboration is difficult to guage. No doubt that  govt decisions  will be influenced by the under-writings of the contract.

So far as we know about the on-going formulation of “zero draft”, there are plenty of phrases like “obligations for states to act”, “co-operation with development partners and relevant stake holders”, “to ensure adequate political commitment”, “one health approach”, etc.  It is stretched even beyond the jurisdiction of public health. They have started talking about creating a quadripartite collaboration involving WHO, FAO( Food & Agricultural Organisation), WOAH( World Organisation for Animal Health)& UN Environmental Programme). 

Therefore it is abundantly clear that the proposed treaty is more inclined to invasion into the public health sovereignty of member countries and clearing the path for world governance. Emphasis on the recognition of WHO as having central role and authority over international health smacks of it’s hidden agenda of emerging as a supra-national, powerful  governing authority. Therefore, the legitimate question arises, if we toe the lines guided by WHO towards the treaty, how is it true that we are going to build Atma Nirbhar Bharat ( Self Reliant India)


It is a dire need for us to seek truthful answers to all these questions raised here, otherwise there will remain a big question on whether we will be able to uphold our constitutional rights and save our sovereignty against the decree of new slavery disguised in the form of a treaty.



About the author :

The author, Dr Gayatri Panditrao  has done her BHMS and PGDEMS. She is currently working as a Homoeopathic consultant. She has been practicing in Pune since last 12 years. She is also a member of Managing Committee of UHO (Universal Health Organisation -




  1. WHo never cares to provide any scientific proof to what it claims. Even its claims are unscientific, like they are "finding out" origin of an extremely common virus type! So, in a word, they will enslave us, without providing any logical explanation


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